작성일 : 13-06-17 15:57
걸리버 여행기 중간부분 story telling
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   e921201aca13833382243fd4b3e4c2d8_sgMJGGDftMP.jpg (76.4K) [0] DATE : 2013-06-17 16:05:52
저는 고등학생 김원일이고요~ 춘천에 살아요.
스쿨뮤즈 온라인 처음에는 쉽게 느껴 졌는데, 막상 영어로 대화하려니까
필름이 뚝 끊기네요.ㅎㅎ
이제는 영어로 편지와 일기도 쓰고 감상문과 내용 정리도 할 수 있답니다.
5000문장 이상 외운거 같아요 ㅎㅎ
이게 모두 스쿨뮤즈 덕분이고요.
외국인과도 얼마든지 대화할 수 있고, 글로도 잘 쓸 수 있을 것 같아요.
우리말로 쓰는 것보다 더 쉽게 느껴질 때도 있어요.
저는 코스5까지 마무리해서 지금은 걸리버 여행기 story telling하듯이 요약하는 중이랍니다.
중간 부분 영어로 정리할테니까 잘못 된 곳 있으면 알려 주세요.
Gulliver remembers war in his own Kingdom.
He remembers the conflict over power and in the end innocent people received pain.
Gulliver walks into the ocean towards the fleet of ships coming to invade the Kingdom.
The sailors are shocked and terrified by the giant approaching them.
Gulliver brings a large rope with him.
Gulliver sees the ships are full of soldiers.
The soldiers shoot arrows at Gulliver but the small arrows do not hurt Gulliver.
Gulliver ties the front of all the ships together.
Gulliver wants to send all the soldiers back to their own country.
He hopes there will be no war.
Gulliver ties the ships up and drags them back to the other Kingdom.
The people of King Rothesay’s Kingdom are happy Gulliver has ended the war.

King Rothesay is so happy that Gulliver has defeated the invading army.
Thanks to Gulliver the Kingdom doesn’t have to endure war.
Gulliver is glad to help because he has been provided with delicious food.
King Rothesay is glad to give Gulliver food and promises to give him as much as he wants.
The King has four Lieges.
The King’s four Lieges used to be very powerful in Kingdom.
Now that Gulliver has protected the Kingdom the Lieges have lost their power.
They used to control the King and now they are angry.
The King likes Gulliver so much they can’t get rid of him.
The fourth Liege has an idea.
He thinks to use the King to get rid of Gulliver.
They start to spread rumours about Gulliver.
They tell King that Gulliver is very dangerous.
They say he is smiling outside, but it is hard to know what he is thinking about inside.
King starts to worry about Gulliver.
The second Liege talks about the power Gulliver has since he can defeat an entire army.
The third Liege warns the King that if Gulliver uses his power against them the Kingdom will fall.
The King starts to wonder if Gulliver was lying about the storm.
The King is still not convinced that Gulliver is bad because Gulliver hates war.